LEXIOR Document Review Services Online Demo

Stage 2 - Requirements Formulation Best Practices Rule Checking

Requirements are at the heart of complex systems development processes.  They form a contract between the system requester and the industrial developer committed to delivering the end product.

The complete document structure and its individual requirements are checked using a configurable set of Best Practice Rules and the results are stored back into the requirements database.

Key Features :

1. Requirements formulation rules have been approved by recognised institutional working groups (ESA, INCOSE).

2. Detection of a clear distinction between hard requirements and statements included only for information or guidance.

3. Detection of composite or multiple requirements to be separated into clauses or subclauses.

4. Detection of requirements subjects against an approved set of subjects and requirement types.

5. Detection of uniqueness of requirement identifiers.

6. Detection of requirements against forbidden terms or words that should not be used in requirements formulation.

7. Detection of correctly expressed grammatical form (simplicity, ambiguity).

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